An award for quality management


After a self-assessment process supervised by Bbest, Vétérinaires Sans Frontières Belgium has received the label « Recognised for Excellence 3 star » for the quality of its management.

Activity report 2018

Annual report, Publications

Discover our activity and financial reports for 2018. Each year, Vétérinaires Sans Frontières Belgium reports on its activities and projects over the past year. This is how we show our committment and accountability to our donors, volunteers, employees and partner organizations in Belgium and Africa.

The Maasai Life in Tanzania


In this 13-minute video, two young Maasai tell us about how their community’s lifestyle is under pressure, particularly due to climate change. Vétérinaires Sans Frontières Belgium helps them find solutions.

Who is behind our volunteer effort?


Some volunteers are resolutely dedicated, year after year, by our side, to strengthen our actions. Let us introduce you to three of our fervent volunteers.

Family livestock farming & food and nutrition security

Library, Publications

In Africa, improving the potential of family livestock farming allows livestock keepers to feed their families and improve their well-being. Through concrete examples, discover in this infographics the links between the improvement of family livestock farming’s potential and the improvement of household food and nutrition security in Africa.