Burkina Faso
Burkina Faso is regularly hit by drought, a disaster for herds and livestock keepers. Due to the lack of pasture, water, fodder and veterinary care, cows do not produce enough milk and become weak. In addition, the number of armed groups has increased, destabilising the country over the last ten years. As a result, entire regions are deprived of public animal health services. More than two million Burkinabe have had to flee their homes, joining Malian refugees in safer areas. This constant flow of people is greatly adding to the pressure on pastures, water sources and basic social services, which are already limited. The situation is also giving rise to conflicts between farmers and livestock keepers.
How we help

Local partners
Nodde Nooto (A2N): helps farmer organizations and private associations in the Sahel region by developing strategies that lead to sustainable development.
Le Réseau de Communication sur le Pastoralisme (RECOPA): defends the interests of livestock farmers at national, regional and international level.
Dakupa: helps farmers’ organisations and private associations in the Centre-East region to develop sustainable development strategies.
Hamado Ouedraogo
Country representative Burkina Faso (Ouagadougou)