Because of their predominance in the Sahel, pastoralists are at the heart of the current crisis. To best support them in this crisis, we call for specific measures for pastoralists, a comprehensive approach to security and development in the Sahel and an update of pastoral policies.
In memoriam – Moctar Diallo
We are deeply saddened to inform you of the death of our colleague Amadou Moctar Diallo, Director of Operations in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
For an International Year of Rangelands and Pastoralists
In order to recognise the worldwide value and importance of pastoralism, we support the proposal of the Mongolian government to adopt an International Year of Rangelands and Pastoralists.
Activity report 2019
Discover the activities carried out by our teams in 2019 in our latest activity report.
One Health, a holistic approach to address the key challenges of livestock keepers in the South
The VSF International network, of which we are a member, focussed on the added value of One Health to improve the well-being of humans, animals and the environment in the South. Check out their new publications.
Get 60% of your donations back in 2020!
In 2020, the tax reduction for donations to approved institutions such as ours will increase from 45% to 60% in Belgium. So your donation of 40 euros will actually only cost you 16 euros.
Livestock and climate change in the global South
Nowadays, livestock is often considered a major cause of greenhouse gas emissions, which are specific to industrial production systems. Conversely, the positive impact of family farming in the fight against climate change is little known and often underestimated.
Local milk, an emerging value chain in West Africa.
In West Africa, livestock keeping has been developed essentially in the Sudano-Sahelian area, where it is at the heart of the economy. Mali and Niger are the largest milk producers in the region, with herds numbering close to 10 million animals and cow’s milk production standing at 309 and 486 million litres per year respectively. These countries are also major … Read More
Webinar : Covid-19 and the milk crisis
On the occasion of World Milk Day, we organize a webinar this Friday 29 May on the escalation of the milk crisis in West-Africa and Europe because of the Covid-19 crisis. With European and West-African experts and European MP Michèle Rivasi, we will focus on short- and long-term solutions for milk producers in Europe and West-Africa.
New logo, new colours
Vétérinaires Sans Frontières Belgium recently updated its logo and colours. Minor but essential changes.