“Pastoralism is the best way for people to meet their needs in Karamoja”


In north-eastern Uganda, Karamojong pastoralists have been going through a difficult period since last summer. Drought combined with the impact of the war in Ukraine and insecurity has taken its toll on the most vulnerable. For our colleague Emmanuel Emaruk, pastoralism remains the best response to the challenges faced in Karamoja.

The plight of internally displaced livestock keepers in Burkina Faso


For the past ten years, Burkina Faso has been the host country for hundreds of thousands of Malians fleeing from the insecurity in their country. Now, however, the population of Burkina Faso is also being forced to leave everything behind to escape from the violence. Hamado Ouedraogo, our Operations Director in Burkina Faso, explains how our teams help them, and how they continue their work in spite of everything in critical regions such as Sebba, Djibo and Dori.

Perspectives on Pastoralism – A Film Festival and Photo Exhibition in Brussels on 8 December


The ‘Perspectives on Pastoralism’ Film Festival is back in Brussels for a second edition on 8 December, with a panel of experts from three continents and a photography exhibition. Don’t miss this opportunity to get unique insights into the pastoralist lifestyle and challenges through films, photographs and live testimonials from across the globe.