In Karamoja, a dryland area located in northeastern Uganda, pastoralism is the main livelihood. However, increased incidences of extreme weather events due to climate change are causing more and more frequent animal disease outbreaks. Without adequate veterinary services, this worsens food security and threatens the pastoral way of life. On top of that, decades of recurrent violent conflicts have kept the majority of the population trapped in poverty.
How we help

Natural resources management
We advocate for livestock keepers’ land rights and facilitate dialogue between ethnic groups to reach agreements on resource sharing.
Local partners
We build the capacities of local partners and community institutions to proactively manage conflicts, address community needs and be an integral part of the development process.
Karamoja Herders of the Horn (KHH) stands up for the rights of pastoralists and ensure the protection and development of their livelihoods. They support community institutions so that the community is aware of its rights and is able to defend them.
Dynamic Agro-pastoralist Development Organization (DADO) strives to enhance agro-pastoral livelihoods of the vulnerable rural communities through knowledge and skills development and promotion of viable economic activities for self-reliance and sustainable development.
Matheniko Development Forum (MADEFO) is committed to ensuring sustainable peace and livelihood security of pastoralist communities.
Emmanuel Emaruk
Country representative Uganda (Moroto)