Democratic Republic of Congo
Despite its natural resources and agricultural potential, the Democratic Republic of Congo has major food insecurity. Many villages in the east of the country live in extreme poverty and have been torn apart by the violence of armed conflict for almost 30 years. During periods of unrest, livestock is often the first target of looting and the population is regularly forced to flee. Of course, that does not help to create a flourishing agriculture.
How we help

Animal health
We help private veterinarians and technicians to set up their practices in rural areas, close to the farmers.
Local partner
Association Paysanne pour le Développement Intégré au Sud-Kivu (APDIK): accompanies 32 cooperatives in South-Kivu in the professional development of agricultural producers. They focus on entrepreneurship, environment and gender.
Action pour les Femmes et Enfants Marginalisés (AFEMA) is a Congolese women’s organisation active in the fields of psychosocial care for victims of sexual or gender-based violence, child protection and entrepreneurship for young people and women.
Issa Ilou
Country representative DRC (Bukavu)