
In Benin, agricultural and pastoral conditions are very favourable for livestock keeping. However, the availability of natural resources and livestock rearing methods vary from region to region. In the north, where there is little pasture or water, transhumant livestock keeping is widespread. In the south, the abundance of fodder resources and the availability of watering points for animals encourage the development of sedentary livestock keeping, mainly of small animals. Despite significant economic potential, the contribution of livestock keeping to the country’s wealth remains minimal. The lack of veterinary facilities, the limited technical capacity of livestock keepers and unfair commercial transactions are all factors hindering the development of livestock keeping.


How we help

  • To improve the resilience of vulnerable agro-pastoralist families, we distribute goats or sheeps. We also provide them with training in good animal farming and agro-ecology practices.
  • We train community animal health workers and facilitate their network. Their presence gives livestock keepers living in remote areas easier access to veterinary care.
  • We raise awareness among local people and help them to manage agro-pastoral conflicts, particularly those relating to natural resources.
  • We support the development of income-generating activities such as bee-keeping, poultry farming and the processing of tropical products such as shea nuts, soya, manioc and rice.
  • We promote green energies such as biogas.

Local partners

CERD: Culture Education Recherche pour le Développement au Bénin (Culture Education Research for Development in Benin)

POTAL MEN: is involved in conflict prevention and management in connection with mobile livestock farming, vocational training, environmental protection and management, food production and processing, child protection and sexual and reproductive health.

UDOPER – AD: Union Départementale des Organisations des Producteurs Eleveurs de Ruminants

CERFAT: Centre d’Etude et de Recherches, de Formation en Apiculture Tropicale (Centre for Study, Research and Training in Tropical Beekeeping)

Humanité Inclusion: aims to improve the professional and economic integration of disabled people in Benin.


Christian Dovonou
Country representative Benin

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